Bennet, Colleagues Introduce Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United

Amendment Would Help Get Big Money Out of Politics, Put Power Back in the Hands of the American People

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet joined a group of his colleagues to reintroduce the Democracy for All Amendment. This constitutional amendment would overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision, as well as other alarming decisions concerning campaign finance that have produced a flood of dark money in politics and diminished the voice of the American people.

Bennet Celebrates Third Disbursement of Expanded Child Tax Credit Payments As They Begin to Reach Families

New Poll Finds that the Expanded Child Tax Credit Has Strong Bipartisan Support, Over 400 Economists Call on Congress to Make Expansion Permanent

Today, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet celebrated the third disbursement of the advanced, expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) payments as they begin to reach families. According to the Department of the Treasury, 1,005,000 Colorado kids received CTC payments so far in September.

Bennet Welcomes President Biden to Colorado

Bennet is in Washington Negotiating to Extend the Expanded Child Tax Credit and Secure Urgent Climate Action in the Build Back Better Budget

Today, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following statement welcoming President Joe Biden to Colorado.