Bennet, Hickenlooper Welcome Initial $12 Million in Funding from the Department of Transportation to Begin Repairing I-70

Bennet, Hickenlooper Led Colorado Congressional Delegation in Supporting Colorado’s Request for Emergency Federal Resources to Aid Response Efforts

Today, Colorado U.S. Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper released the following statement after the Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Highway Administration awarded the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) $11.6 million to begin repairs to I-70.

Bennet Applauds Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Legislation Includes Many Bennet-backed Proposals to Invest in Broadband, Build Climate Resilience, Support Wildfire Recovery, and Improve Tribal Access to Clean Water

Today, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following statement after the U.S. Senate passed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

ICYMI: Bennet Discusses Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Investing in the American People on PoliticsNation with Reverend Al Sharpton

Bennet Continues Push to Extend the Expansion of the Child Tax Credit in Upcoming Reconciliation Package

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet appeared Saturday on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation with Reverend Al Sharpton to discuss the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), extending the expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC), and investing in the American people.

Bennet, Portman Introduce Legislation to Extend Tax Filing Deadlines During Natural Disasters, National Emergencies

Senators Applaud Legislation’s Inclusion in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) introduced the Automatic Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Major Disasters and Critical Events Act, which is included in the major bipartisan infrastructure package, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021.
Colorado U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D) and John Hickenlooper (D) were joined by Colorado U.S. Representatives Diana DeGette (D), Joe Neguse (D), Lauren Boebert (R), Ken Buck (R), Doug Lamborn (R), Jason Crow (D), and Ed Perlmutter (D) in urging the Biden Administration to quickly approve the Colorado Department of Transportation’s (CDOT) request for emergency federal resources to aid the response to severe mudslides and flash flooding along the I-70 corridor through Glenwood Canyon.

Bennet, Heinrich, Hickenlooper, Warren Applaud Investments in Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to Improve Tribal Access to Clean Water

Improvements Mirror Senators’ Tribal Access to Clean Water Act, Help Fulfill the Federal Government’s Trust Obligation to Support Tribal Communities

Today, U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) applauded funding in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) that will improve Tribal access to clean water.

Bennet Celebrates Passage of His Amendment to Restore Forests and Grasslands, Reduce Wildfire Risk, and Protect Water Supplies

The Amendment, Based on Bennet’s Joint Chiefs Landscape Restoration Partnership Act, Will be Included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Today, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet celebrated the passage of his and U.S. Senator John Hoeven’s (R-N.D.) amendment to authorize the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership Initiative (Joint Chiefs).

Bennet Secures Key Climate Resilience, Clean Energy Provisions in Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Bennet-backed Proposals Will Help Colorado Communities Recover from Wildfires, Transition to a 21st Century Clean Energy Economy, and Build Climate Resilience

Today, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet announced that he secured key provisions in the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to build climate resilience, support wildfire recovery efforts, invest in water infrastructure, expand Tribal access to clean water, protect the energy grid, and help the United States reach its emissions reduction goals.